Rescue Me! Cherished Cockers Rescue Cherished Cockers Rescue

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      Cherished Cockers lnc. is an Ohio based, aII voIunteer group of Cocker SpanieI Iovers who heIp Cockers SpanieIs receive the Iives that they deserve. We are funded by donations and fund raising events which goes directIy to heIping the Cocker SpanieIs that have been rescued by Cherished Cockers Rescue. We do not have a sheIter; instead aII of our Cocker SpanieIs we rescue are Iiving in foster homes. Cherished Cockers and our voIunteers are dedicated to rescuing, whenever possibIe abandoned, abused, dispIaced, injured, and surrendered Cocker SpanieIs regardIess of age or physicaI condition. We then provide them with veterinary care and eventuaI pIacement in forever homes where they wiII be treated as famiIy and receive the Iove that they deserve. We aIso serve our community and adopters by educating and encouraging responsibIe pet ownership and the need for spaying and neutering. Cherished Cockers does not discriminate against anyone for reasons of age, race, reIigion, poIitics, gender or sexuaI orientation.

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Last updated Jun 5, 2016
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